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  1. Wattad, H., Molcho, J., Manor, R., Weil, S., Aflalo, E.D., Chalifa-Caspi, V. and Sagi A. (2024). Roadmap and Considerations for Genome Editing in a Non-Model Organism: Genetic Variations and Off-Target Profiling. International journal of molecular sciences 25:12530. PDF
  2. Wang, C-S., Cheng, H-S., Chang, W-T., Hsiao, C-C., Tseng, P-W., Li, H-W., Sagi, A., Chang, C-F. and Wu, G-C. (2024). Characterization of a novel and testis-specific zinc finger protein during sexual development of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Biology of Reproduction. ioae151.
  3. Glaviano, F., Esposito, R., Somma, E., Sagi, A., Aflalo, E.D., Costantini, M. and Zupo, V. (2024). Molecular approaches detect early signals of programmed cell death in Hippolyte inermis Leach. Current issues in molecular biology. (in press).
  4. Molcho, J., Albagly, D., Levy, T., Manor, R., Aflalo, E.D., Alfaro-Montoya, J. and Sagi, A. (2024). Regulation of early spermatogenesis in the giant prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii by a GCL homolog. Biology of reproduction 2024:1-12. PDF
  5. Shaked, S. A., Abehsera, S., Ziegler, A., Bentov, S., Manor, R., Weil, S., Ohana, E., Eichler, J., Aflalo, E. D. and Sagi, A. (2024). A transporter that allows phosphate ions to control the polymorph of exoskeletal calcium carbonate biomineralization. Acta Biomaterialia 2024:02035. PDF
  6. Sudarshan, G., Weil, S., Manor, R., Goldstein, O., Sultan, E., Aflalo, E.D., Ofir, R., Zimin, S.V., Rosental, B. and Sagi, A. (2024). Development of long-term primary cell culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii: morphology, metabolic activity, and cell-cycle analysisFrontiers in marine science 2023:1322744. PDF
  7. Yanai, Z., Guy-Haim, T., Kolodny, O., Levitt-Barmats, Y., Mazal, A., Morov, A.R., Sagi, A., Truskanov, N., and Milstein. D. (2024). An overview of recent introductions of exotic crayfish (Crustacea, Decapoda) into inland water systems in Israel. Bioinvasions records 131:195-208. PDF
  8. Wahl, M., Levy, T., Ventura, T., and Sagi, A. (2023). Monosex populations of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii – from a pre-molecular start to the next generation era. International journal of molecular sciences 24:17433. PDF
  9. Moscovitz, S., Glassner, H., NJOMGANG, R.M.W., Aflalo, E.D., Ovadio, O., and Sagi, A. (2023). Community composition of invasive, eruptive, and non-pest snail species along a source spring-to-fishpond gradient in a spatially structured aquacultural region. Journal of Environmental Management 351:119653. PDF
  10. Shaked, S.A., Levy, T., Moscovitz, S., Wattad, H., Manor, R., Ovadia, O., Sagi, A. and Aflalo, E.D. (2023). All-female crayfish populations for biocontrol and sustainable aquaculture. Aquaculture 580:740377. PDF
  11. Zupo, V., Costantini. M., Aflalo, E.D., Levy, T., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Obayomi, O., Mutalipassi, M., Ruocco, N., Glaviano, F., Somma, E., Nieri, P. and Sagi, A. (2023). Ferroptosis precedes apoptosis to facilitate specific death signalling by fatty acids. Proceedings of the royal soceity B 290:20231327. PDF
  12. Sudarshan, G., Weil, S., Jasińska, W., Manor, R., Goldstein, O., Aflalo, E. D., Ofir, R., Zimin, S. V., Levy, T., Rosental, B., Brotman, Y. and Sagi, A. (2023). Correlation between metabolic profile and proliferation of Macrobrachium rosenbergii primary embryonic cell cultureFrontiers in marine science 10:1270491. PDF
  13. Rothschild, C., Aflalo, E.D., Kedem, I., Farjon, G., Yitzhaky, Y., Sagi, A. and Edan Y. (2023). Computer vision system for counting crustacean larvae by detection. Smart Agricultural Technology 54: 100289.
  14. Sudarshan, G., Weil, S., Rotem-Dai, N., Manor, R., Greenshpan, Y., Goldstein, O., Sharabi, O., Aflalo, E. D., Ofir, R., Rosental, B., Gazit, R., and Sagi, A. (2022). Enhanced proliferation in a prawn embryonic primary cell culture ectopically expressing mutated Ras. Frontiers in marine science 9:1100971 PDF
  15. Grinshpan, N., Abayed, F. A. A., Wahl, M., Ner-Gaon, H., Manor, R., Sagi, A., and Shay, T. (2022) The transcriptional landscape of the giant freshwater prawn: embryonic development and early sexual differentiation mechanisms. Frontiers in endocrinology 13:1059936. PDF
  16. Shavit K., Wagner, A., Schertel, L., Farstey, V., Akkaynak, D., Zhang, G., Upcher, A., Sagi, A., Yallapragada, V. J., Haatja, J., and Palmer B. A. (2022) A Tunable Reflector Enabling Crustaceans to See but not be Seen. Science PDF
  17. Molcho, J., Manor, R., Shamsian, M., Sudarshan, G., Ofir, R., Parker, D., Weil, S., Wattad, H., Hayun, E., Levy, T., Aflalo, E. D., Hendel, E., and Sagi, A. (2022) On genome editing in embryos and cells of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture 585:738391. PDF
  18. Wahl, M., Levy, T., Manor, R., Aflalo, E. D., Sagi A., and Aizen, J. (2022) Genes encoding the glycoprotein hormone GPA2/GPB5 and its putative receptor LGR1 in a female prawn. Frontiers in endocrinology 13:823818. PDF
  19. Rotem-Dai, N., Weil, S., Greenshpan, Y., Abehsera, S., Manor, R., Ofir, R., Gazit, R., Rosental, B., Aflalo, E. D., and Sagi, A. (2021) Lentiviral-Transduced Ectopic Expression of Androgenic Hormone in a Crustacean Hematopoietic Primary Cell Culture. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:677679. PDF
  20. Levy, T., Zupo, V., Mutalipassi, M., Somma, E., Ruocco, N., Costantini, M., Abehsera, S., Manor, R., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Sagi, A. and Aflalo, E. D. (2021) Protandric transcriptomes to uncover parts of the crustacean sex-differentiation puzzle. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 745540. PDF
  21. Chen, K., Li, S., Xiang, J., Sagi, A., and Li, F. 2021. Transcriptome analysis reveals the endocrine regulation on the expression of IAG in Litopenaeus vannamei. Journal of marine science and engineering 9: 677. PDF
  22. Abehsra, S., Bentov, S., Li, X., Weil, S., Manor, R., Sagi, A., Li, S., Li, F., Khalaila, I., Aflalo, E. D. and Sagi, A. 2021. Genes encoding putative bicarbonate transporters as a missing molecular link between molt and mineralization in crustaceans. Scientific reports 11(1): 11722. PDF
  23. Cohen, S., Ilouz, O., Manor, R., Sagi, A. and Khalaila, I. 2021. Transcriptional silencing of vitellogenesis-inhibiting and molt-inhibiting hormones in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, and evaluation of the associated effects on ovarian development. Aquaculture 538: 736540. PDF
  24. Levy, T., Tamone, S. L., Manor, R., Aflalo, E. D., Sklarz, M. Y., Chalifa-Caspi, V. and Sagi, A. 2020. The IAG-switch and further transcriptomic insights into sexual differentiation of a protandric shrimp. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 587454. PDF
  25. Levy, T., Ventura, T., De Leo, G., Grinshpan, N., Amterat Abu Abayed, F., Manor, R., Savaya, A., Sklarz, M. Y., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Mishmar, D. and Sagi, A. 2020. Two homogametic genotypes – one crayfish: on the consequences of intersexuality. iScience 23(8): 101652. PDF
  26. Kruppke, B., Heinemann, C., Farack, J., Weil, S., Aflalo, E. D., Sagi, A., and Hanke, T. 2020. Hemocyanin Modification of Chitosan Scaffolds with Calcium Phosphate Phases Increase the Osteoblast/Osteoclast Activity Ratio—A Co-Culture Study. Molecules 25(19): 4580. PDF
  27. Shaked, S. A., Abehsera, S., Levy, T., Chalifa-Caspi, V. and Sagi, A. 2020. From sporadic single genes to a broader transcriptomic approach: insights into the formation of the biomineralized exoskeleton in decapod crustaceans. Journal of Structural Biology 212: 107612. PDF
  28. Levy, T. and Sagi, A. 2020. The “IAG-switch” – a key controlling element in decapod crustacean sex differentiation. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11: 651. PDF
  29. Bentov, S., Palmer, B. A., Bar-On, B., Shelef, Y., Aflalo, E. D. and Sagi, A. Reinforcement of bio-apatite by zinc substitution in the incisor tooth of a prawn. Acta Biomaterialia 120: 116-123. PDF
  30. Savaya-Alkalay, A., De Leo, G., Aalto, E., Levy, T., Rosen, O., Manor, R., Aflalo, E. D., Tricarico, E. and Sagi, A. 2020. The IAG gene in the globally cultured invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii – towards sex manipulations for aquaculture and biocontrol. Management of biological invasions 11(2): 237-258. PDF
  31. Savaya, A., Glassner, H., Livne-Luzon, S., Chishinski, R., Molcho, J., Aflalo, E.D., Zilberg, D. and Sagi, A. 2020. Prawn monosex populations as biocontrol agents for snail vectors of fish parasitesAquaculture 735016. PDF
  32. Levy, T., Tamone, S. L., Manor, R., Bower, E. D. and Sagi, A. 2020. The protandric life history of the Northern spot shrimp Pandalus platyceros: molecular insights and implications for fishery management. Scientific Reports, 10:1287. PDF 
  33. Kruppke, B., Farack, J., Weil, S., Aflalo, E.D., Polakova, D., Sagi, A., and Hanke, T. 2020. Crayfish hemocyanin on chitin bone substitute scaffolds promotes the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 108A:694-708. doi:10.1002/jbm.a.36849. PDF
  34. Palmer, B.A., Yallapragada, V-J., Schiffmann, N., Merary Wormser, E., Elad, N., Aflalo, E.D., Sagi, A., Weiner, S., Oron, D. and Addadi, L. 2020. Birefringent, core-shell nanoparticles form highly efficient reflective materials in nature. Nature Nanotechnology,  doi:10.1038/s41565-019-0609-5. PDF
  35. Molcho, J., Levy, T., Benet, A., Naor, A., Savaya, A., Manor, A., Abramov, A., Aflalo, E.D., Shechter, A. and Sagi, A. 2020. Three generations of prawns without the Z chromosome: Viable WW Macrobrachium rosenbergii all-female populations in polyculture with Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture 734531.. PDF 
  36. Schiffmann, N., Merary Wormser, E., Brumfeld, V., Addadi, Y., Pinkas, I., Yallapragada, J. V., Aflalo, E. D., Sagi, A., Palmer, B., Weiner, S. and Addadi, L. 2020. Characterization and possible function of an enigmatic reflector in the eye of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Faraday Discussions 223: 278-294. PDF
  37. 1. Guo, Q., Li, S., Lv, X., Xiang, J., Manor, R., Sagi, A. and Li, F. 2019.  Sex-biased CHHs and their putative receptor regulate the expression of IAG gene in the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, Front. Physiol. 10: 1525 PDF
  38. Levy, T., Rosen, O., Manor, R., Dotan, S., Azulay, D., Abramov, A., Sklarz, M. Y., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Baruch, K., Shechter, A. and Sagi, A. 2019. Production of WW males lacking the masculine Z chromosome and mining the Macrobrachium rosenbergii genome for sex-chromosomes. Scientific Reports, 9:12408. PDF
  39. Abayed, F. A. A., Manor, R., Aflalo, E. D., Sagi, A., 2019. Screening for Dmrt genes from embryo to mature Macrobrachium rosenbergii prawnsGen. Comp. Endocrinology, 282, 113205. PDF
  40. Hoover C. M., Sokolow S. H., Kemp J., Sanchirico J. N., Lund A. J., Jones I. J., Higginson T., Riveau G., Savaya A., Coyle S., Wood C. L., Micheli F., Casagrandi R., Mari L., Gatto M., Rinaldo A., Perez-Saez J., Rohr J. R., Sagi A., Remais J. V., De Leo G. A. 2019. Modelled effects of prawn aquaculture on poverty alleviation and schistosomiasis controlNatureSustainability, 2: 611-620. PDF
  41. Zhang X, Yuan J, Sun Y, Li S, Gao Y, Yu Y, Liu C, Wang Q, Lv X, Zhang X, Ma KY, Wang X, Lin W, Wang L, Zhu X, Zhang C, Zhang J, Jin S, Yu K, Kong J, Xu P, Chen J, Zhang H, Sorgeloos P, Sagi A, Alcivar-Warren A, Liu Z, Wang L, Ruan J, Chu KH, Liu B, Li F, Xiang J. 2019. Penaeid shrimp genome provides insights into benthic adaptation and frequent molting. Nature communications 10(1):356 p. 356. PDF
  42. Savaya-Alkalay, A., Ndao, P.D., Jouanard, N., Diane, N., D. Aflalo, E.D., Barki, A., and Sagi, A. 2018. Exploitation of reproductive barriers between Macrobrachium species for responsible aquaculture and biocontrol of schistosomiasis in West-Africa. Aquaculture Environment Interactions. 10:487-499.  PDF
  43. Abehsera, S., Weil, S., Manor, R. and Sagi, A. 2018. The search for proteins involved in the formation of crustacean cuticular structures. Hydrobiologia. 825(1), 29-45. PDF
  44. Abehsera, S., Zaccai S., Mittelman B., Glazer L., Weil S., Khalaila I., Davidov G. Bitton R., Zarivach R., Li, S., Li, F., Xiang, J., Manor R., Aflalo, E.D., and Sagi, A.  2018. CPAP3 proteins in the mineralized cuticle of a decapod crustacean. Scientific Reports. 8(1):2430. PDF
  45. Guo, Q., Li, S., Lv, X., Xiang, J., Sagi, A., Manor, R., and Li, F. 2018. A Putative insulin-like androgenic gland hormone receptor gene specifically expressed in male Chinese shrimp. Endocrinology. 159 (5): 2173–2185. PDF
  46. Palmer, B.A., Hirsch, A., Brumfeld, V., Aflalo, E.D., Pinkas, I., Sagi, A., Rozenne, S., Oron, D., Leiserowitz, L., Kronik, L., Weiner, S. and Addadi, L. 2018. Isoxanthopterin: An optically functional biogenic crystal in the eyes of decapod crustaceans. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, (1722531115). PDF
  47. Levy, T., Rosen, O., Simons, O., Savaya Alkalay, A. and Sagi, A. (2017). The gene encoding the insulin-like androgenic gland hormone in an all-female parthenogenetic crayfish. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189982  PDF
  48. Levy, T., Rosen, O., Eilam, B., Azulay, D., Zohar I., Aflalo, E. D., Benet A., Naor A., Shechter, A. and Sagi, A. 2017. All-female monosex culture in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii – a comparative large-scale field studyAquaculture 479: 857–862. PDF
  49. Savaya-Alkalay, A., Ovadia, O., Barki, A and Sagi, A., 2017. Size-selective predation by all-male prawns – implications for sustainable biocontrol of snail invasions. Biological invasions 20:137–149. PDF
  50. Shpak, N., Manor, R., Katzir Abilevich, L., Mantal, O., Shavit, K., Aflalo, E. D., Toiber, D., and Sagi, A. 2017. Short versus long double-stranded RNA activation of a post-transcriptional gene knockdown pathway. RNA Biol. 0:1-10. PDF
  51. KruppkeB., FarackJ., SommerF., WeilS., AflaloE. D., WiesmannH.-P., Sagi, A., and Hanke, T., 2017. In situ cross-linking of highly porous chitosan scaffolds for bone regeneration: production parameters and in vitro characterization. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 1700147: 13 pages. PDF
  52. Abehsera, S., Peles, S., Tynyakov, J., Bentov, S., Aflalo, E. D. Li, S., Li, F., Xiang, J. and Sagi, A., 2017. MARS: A protein family involved in the formation of vertical skeletal elements. J. Struct. Biol.  198:92-102. PDF
  53. Shpak, N., Manor, R., Aflalo, E.D. and Sagi, A., 2017. Three generations of cultured prawn without W chromosome. Aquaculture, 467(C):41-48. PDF
  54. Vega-Alpízar, J.L., Alfaro-Montoya, J., Hernández-Noguera, L., Umaña-Castro, R., Aflalo, E.D. and Sagi, A., 2017. Implant recognition and gender expression following ampoule-androgenic gland implantation in Litopenaeus vannamei females (Penaeidae). Aquaculture, 468 (1):471-480. PDF
  55. Levy, T., Rosen, O., Eilam, B., Azulay, D., Aflalo, E. D., Manor, R., Shechter, A. and Sagi, A., 2016. A single injection of hypertrophied androgenic gland cells produces all-female aquaculture. Marine Biotechnol., 18(5):554-563. PDF
  56. Aizen, J., Chandler, J.C., Fitzgibbon, Q.P., Sagi, A., Battaglene, S.C., Elizur, A. and Ventura, T., 2016. Production of recombinant insulin-like androgenic gland hormones from three decapod species: in vitro testicular phosphorylation and activation of a newly identified tyrosine kinase receptor from the Eastern spiny lobster, Sagmariasus verreauxi. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 229, 8-18. PDF 
  57. Bentov, S., Aflalo, E.D., Tynyakov, J., Glazer, L., Sagi, A., 2016. Calcium phosphate mineralization is widely applied in crustacean mandibles. Scientific Reports. 6, 22118. PDF
  58. Sharabi, O., Manor, R., Weil, S., Aflalo, E. D., Lezer, Y., Levy, T., Aizen, J., Ventura, T., Mather, P. B., Khalaila, I. and Sagi, A. 2016. Identification and characterization of an insulin-like receptor involved in crustacean reproduction. Endocrinology. 157(2): 928-941. PDF
  59. Tynyakov, J., Bentov, S., Abehsera, S., Yehezkel, G., Roth, Z. Khalaila, I., Weil, S., Berman, A., Plaschkes, I., Tom, M., Aflalo, E.D. and Sagi, A. 2015. A crayfish molar tooth protein with putative mineralized exoskeletal chitinous matrix properties. The journal of Experimental Biology. 218:3487-3498. PDF
  60. Glazer L., Roth Z., Weil S., Aflalo E.D., Khalaila I. and Sagi A. 2015. Proteomic analysis of the crayfish gastrolith chitinous extracellular matrix reveals putative protein complexes and a central role for GAP 65. J. Proteom., 128:333-343. PDF
  61. Roer, R., Abehsera, S. and Sagi, A. 2015. Exoskeletons across the Pancrustacea: Comparative Morphology, Physiology, Biochemistry and Genetics. Integ.Comp.Biol., doi:10.1093/icb/icv080. PDF
  62. Tynyakov, J., Bentov, S., Abehsera, S., Khalaila, I., Manor, R., Katzir Abilevich, L., Weil, S., Aflalo, E.D. and Sagi, A. 2015. A novel chitin binding crayfish molar tooth protein with elasticity properties. PLoS ONE, 10(5): e0127871. PDF
  63. Abehsera, S., Glazer, L., Tynyakov, J., Plaschkes, I., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Khalaila, I., Aflalo, E. D. and Sagi, A. 2015. Binary gene expression patterning of the molt cycle: The case of chitin metabolism. PLoS ONE, 10(4): e0122602. PDF
  64. Lezer, Y., Manor, R., Aflalo, E.D., Sharabi, O., Katzir Abilevich, L. and Sagi A. 2015. On the safety of RNAi usage inaquaculture: The case of all-male prawn stocks generated through manipulation of the insulin-like androgenic gland hormone.  Aquaculture, 435:157-166. PDF
  65. Habraken, W., Masic, A., Bertinetti, L., Al-Sawalmih, A., Glazer, L., Bentov, S., Fratzl, P., Sagi, A., Aichmayer, B. and Berman, A. 2014. Layered growth of crayfish gastrolith:  about the stability of amorphous calcium carbonate and role of additives. J. Struct. Biol., 189(1), 28-36. doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2014.11.003. PDF
  66. Tom, M., Manfrin, C., Chung, S.J., Sagi, A., Gerdol, M., De Moro, G., Pallavicini, A., Giulianini, P.G. 2014. Expression of cytoskeletal and molt-related genes is temporally scheduled in the hypodermis of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii during premolt. J. Exp. Biol., 217: 4193-4202. PDF
  67. Stieb, S., Roth, Z., Dal Magro, C., Fischer, S., Butz, E., Sagi, A., Khalaila, I., Lieb B., Schenk, S., Hoeger, U. 2014. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Mol. Cell Biol. Lip.,1841:1700-1708. PDF
  68. Savaya Alkalay, A., Rosen, O., Sokolow, S.H., Faye, Y.P.W., Faye, D.S., Aflalo, E.D., Jouanard, N., Zilberg, D., Huttinger, A. and Sagi, A. 2014. The Prawn Macrobrachium vollenhovenii in the Senegal River Basin: Towards sustainable restocking of all-male populations for biological control of schistosomiasis. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis., 8(8): e3060.doi:10.1371/journal.pntd. 0003060. PDF 
  69. Ventura, T., Fitzgibbon, Q.P., Battaglene, S.C., Sagi, A. and Elizur, A. 2014. Identification and characterization of androgenic gland specific insulin-like peptide-encoding transcripts in two spiny lobster species: Sagmariasus verreauxi and Jasus edwardsii. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 214:126-33.
  70. Aflalo E.D., Dandu, R.V.S.N., Verghese, J.T., Rao, N., Samraj, T.Y.C., Ovadia, O. and Sagi, A. 2014. Neo-females production and all-male progeny of a cross between two Indian strains of prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii): Population structure and growth performance under different harvest strategies. Aquaculture,  01/2014; s 428–429:7–15. PDF
  71. Vaisman, N., Shaltiel, G., Daniely, M., Meiron, O.E., Shechter, A., Abrams, S.A., Niv, E., Shapira, Y. and Sagi, A. 2014. Increased calcium absorption from synthetic stable amorphous calcium carbonate:  double-blind randomized crossover clinical trial in post-menopausal women. J. Bone and Mineral Res.,DOI 10.1002/jbmr.2255). PDF
  72. Sharabi, O., Ventura, T., Manor, R., Aflalo, E.D. and Sagi, A. 2013. Epidermal growth factor receptor in the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: function and putative signaling cascade. Endocrinology, 154(9): 3188-3196. PDF
  73. Roth, Z., Weil, S., Manor, R., Aflalo, D. E., Sagi, A. and Khalaila, I. (2013) Identification of receptor-interacting regions of vitellogenin within evolutionarily conserved β-sheet structures by using a peptide array. ChemBioChemdoi: 10.1002/cbic.201300152.
  74. Shaltiel, G., Bar-David, E., Meiron, O.E., Waltman, E., Shechter, A., Aflalo, E.D., Stepensky, D., Berman, A., Martin, B.R., Weaver, C.M. and Sagi, A. 2013. Bone Loss Prevention in ovariectomized rats using stable amorphous calcium carbonate. Health, 5(7A2):18-29. doi: 10.4236/health.2013.57A2003. 
  75. Rosen O., Weil S., Manor R., Roth Z., Khalaila I. and Sagi A. 2013. A crayfish insulin-like binding protein: Another piece in the androgenic gland insulin-like hormone puzzle is revealed. J. Biol. Chem., 288:22289-22298. PDF
  76. Rosen, O., R. Manor, S. Weil, E. D. Aflalo, A. Bakhrat, U. Abdu and A. Sagi 2013. An androgenic gland membrane-anchored gene associated with the crustacean insulin-like androgenic gland hormone. J. Exp. Biol., 216(Pt 11): 2122-2128. PDF
  77. Glazer, L., Tom, M., Weil, S., Roth, Z., Khalaila, I., Mittelman, B., and Sagi, A. 2013. Hemocyanin with phenoloxidase activity in the chitin matrix of the crayfish gastrolith. J.Exp. Biol., 216, 1898-1904. PDF  
  78. Ventura T., Manor R., Aflalo E.D., Chalifa-Caspi V., Weil S., Sharabi O., and Sagi A., et al., 2013, Post-embryonic transcriptomes of the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: Multigenic succession through metamorphosis. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e55322. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055322   PDF
  79. Pamuru R. R. , Rosen O. , Manor R., Chung J.S., Zmora N., Glazer L., Aflalo E.D., Weil S., Tamone S.L. and Sagi A. 2012. Molt-inhibiting hormone encoding gene in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus: identification, characterization and functional elucidation by RNA interference. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.,  PDF
  80. Bentov, S., Zaslansky, P., Al-Sawalmih, A., Masic, A., Fratzl, P., Sagi, A., Berman, A., and Aichmayer, B. 2012.Enamel-like apatite crown covering amorphous mineral in a crayfish mandible. Nature communications. PDF
  81. Aflalo, E.D., Dandu, R.V.S.N., Bommi, N. A., Verghese, J.T., Samraj, T.Y.C.; Hulata, G., Ovadia, O. and Sagi, A. 2012. Toward a sustainable production of genetically improved all-male prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii): Evaluation of production traits and obtaining neo-females in three Indian strains.Aquaculture, PDF
  82. Ventura, T., Manor, R., Aflalo, E.D., Weil, S., Rosen, O., and Sagi, A. 2012. Timing sexual differentiation: full functional sex reversal achieved in Macrobrachium rosenbergii through silencing of a single insulin-like gene.Biol. Reprod., 86 (3): 90, 1-6. PDF
  83. Akiva-Tal, A., Kababya, S., Balazs, Y.S., Glazer, L., Berman, A., Sagi, A., and Schmidt, A. 2011.In situ molecular NMR picture of bioavailable calcium stabilized as amorphous CaCO3 biomineral in crayfish gastroliths.Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 108(36):14763–14768. PDF
  84. Mareddy, V.R., Rosen, O., Thaggard, H.B., Manor, R., Kabulla, A.V., Aflalo, E.D., Sagi, A., Paterson, B. and Elizur, A. 2011.Isolation and characterization of the complete cDNA sequence encoding a putative insulin-like peptide from the androgenic gland of Penaeus monodon. Aquaculture, 318: 364–370. PDF
  85. Chung, J. S., Manor, R., and Sagi, A. 2011.  Cloning of an insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG) from the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus: Implications for eyestalk regulation of IAG expression Corresponding.Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 173(1): 4-10. PDF
  86. Ventura, T., Aflalo, E. D., Weil, S., Kashkush K. and Sagi, A. 2011. Isolation and characterization of a female-specific DNA marker in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Heredity, 107(5):456-461. PDF
  87. Ventura, T., Manor, R., Aflalo E.D., Weil, S., Khalaila, I., Rosen, O. and Sagi, A. 2011. Expression of an androgenic-gland-specific insulin-like peptide (Mr-IAG) during the course of prawn sexual and morphotypic differentiation. ISRN Endocrinology, 2011: 476283, 11 pages. PDF
  88. Meiron, O. E., Bar-David, E., Aflalo, E.D., Shechter, A., Stepensky, D., Berman, A. and Sagi A. 2011. Solubility and bioavailability of stabilized amorphous calcium carbonate. J. Bone and Mineral Res., 26(2) 364-372. PDF
  89. Rosen, O., Manor, R., Weil, S., Gafni, O., Linial, A., Aflalo, E.D., Ventura, T. and Sagi, A. 2010. A Sexual Shift Induced by Silencing of a Single Insulin-Like Gene in Crayfish: Ovarian Upregulation and Testicular Degeneration. PLoS ONE, 5(12):e15281. PDF
  90. Yudkovski, Y., Glazer, L., Shechter, A., Reinhardt, R., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Sagi, A., Tom, M. 2010. Multi-transcript expression patterns in the gastrolith disk and the hypodermis of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus at premolt. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part D Genomics and Proteomics, 5:171-177. PDF
  91. Bentov, S., Weil, S., Glazer, L., Sagi, A* and Berman, A. 2010. Stabilization of amorphous calcium carbonate by phosphate rich organic matrix and by single phosphoamino acids. J. Struct. Biol., 171(2):207-15. *corresponding author. PDF
  92. Glazer, L., Shechter, A., Tom, M., Yudkovski, Y., Aflalo, E.D., Pamuru, R.R., Khalaila, I., Bentov, S., Berman, A., and Sagi, A. 2010. Protein involved in the Assembly of an extracellular calcium storage matrix. J. Biol. Chem., 285(17):12831-12839. PDF
  93. Roth, Z.,  Parnes, S., Wiel, S., Sagi, A., Zmora, N., Chung, J. S., and Khalaila, I., 2010.N-glycan moieties of the crustacean egg yolk protein and their glycosylation sites. Glycoconjugate J., 27:159–169. PDF
  94. Zmora, N., Sagi, A., Zohar, Y., and Chung J.S. 2009. Molt-inhibiting hormone stimulates vitellogenesis at advanced ovarian developmental stages in the female blue crab, Callinectes sapidus 2: novel specific binding sites in hepatopancreas and cAMP as a second messenger. Saline systems, 5:6. PDF
  95. Ventura, T., Manor, R., Aflalo, E.D., Weil, S., Raviv, S., Glazer, L., and Sagi A. 2009. Temporal silencing of an androgenic-gland-specific insulin-like gene affecting phenotypic gender differences and spermatogenesis. Endocrinology, 150(3): 1278-1286. PDF
  96. Zupo, V., Messina, P., Carcaterra, A., Aflalo, E.D., and Sagi A. 2008. Experimental evidence of a sex reversal process in the shrimp Hippolyte inermis. Invert. Reprod. Devel., 52:93-100. PDF
  97. Singer, A., Parnes, S., Gross, A., Sagi, A., and Brenner, A. 2008. A Novel approach to denitrification processes in a zero-discharge recirculating system for small scale urban aquaculture.Aquacult. Eng., 39:72-77. PDF
  98. Shechter A., Glazer, L., Cheled, S., Mor, E., Weil, S., Berman A., Bentov, S., Aflalo, E.D., Khalaila, I., and Sagi A. 2008. A gastrolith protein serving a dual role in the formation of an amorphous mineral containing extracellular matrix.Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 106(20): 7129-7134. PDF
  99. Shechter A., Berman A., Singer A., Freiman A., Grinstain M., Erez Y., Aflalo E.D and Sagi A. 2008. Reciprocal changes in calcification of the gastrolith and cuticle during the molt cycle of the red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Biol. Bull., 214: 122–134. PDF
  100. Zupo, V., Messina, P., Buttino, I., Sagi, A., Avila, C., Nappo, M., Bastida, J., Codina, C., and Zupo, S. 2007.  Do benthic and planktonic diatoms produce equivalent effects in crustaceans? Marine Fresh. Behav. Physiol., 40(3): 169–181. PDF
  101. Shechter A., Tom M., Yudkovski Y., Weil, S., Chang S.A., Chang E.S, Chalifa- Caspi, V., Berman A., and  Sagi, A. 2007. Search for hepatopancreatic ecdysteroid-responsive genes during the crayfish molt cycle: from a single gene to multigenicity. J. Exp. Biol., 210: 3525-3537. PDF
  102. Yudkovski, Y., Shechter, A., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Auslander, M., Ophir, R., Dauphin-Villemant, C., Waterman, M., Sagi, A., and Tom, M. 2007.Hepatopancreatic multi-transcript expression patterns in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus during the molt cycle.Insect Mol. Biol., 16(6), 661–674. PDF
  103. Parnes, S., Raviv, S., Azulay, D. and Sagi, A. 2007. Dynamics of reproduction in a captive shrimp broodstock: unequal contribution of the female shrimp and a hidden shortage in competent males.Invert. Reprod. Devel., 50:21-29. PDF
  104. Manor, R., Weil, S., Oren, S., Glazer, L., Aflalo, E.D., Ventura, T., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Lapidot, M., and Sagi A.  2007. Insulin and gender: an insulin-like gene expressed exclusively in the androgenic gland of the male crayfish. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 150(2):326-336. PDF
  105. Parnes, S., Raviv, S., Shechter, A. and Sagi, A. 2006. Males also have their time of the month! Cyclic disposal of old spermatophores, timed by the molt cycle, in a marine shrimp.J. Exp. Biol., 209: 4974-4983.  PDF. Also reported in Holmes, B. Males with a version of the menstrual cycle. New Scientist, issue 2581, December 2006 and Butvill, D.B. A male that menstruates. BBC Wildlife, 25(5):34, May 2007.
  106. Aflalo, E.D., Bakhrat, A., Raviv, S., Harari, D., Sagi, A. and Abdu, U., 2006.  Characterization of a Vasa-like gene from the Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and its expression during oogenesis.Mol. Reprod. Devel., 74(2):172-7. PDF
  107. Barki, A., Karplus, I., Manor, R., and Sagi, A., 2006. Intersexuality and behavior in crayfish: the de-masculinization effects of androgenic gland ablation. Horm. Behave., 50:322-331. PDF
  108. Aflalo, E.D., Hoang, T.T.T., Nguyen, V.H., Lam, Q., Nguyen, D.M., Trinh, Q.S., Raviv, S., and Sagi A. 2006. A novel two-step procedure for mass production of all male populations of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquaculture, 256: 468-478. PDF
  109. Barki, A., Karplus, I., Manor, R., Parnes, S., Aflalo, E. D., and Sagi, A. 2006. Growth of redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) in a three-dimensional individual cells system: does a neighbor matter? Aquaculture, 252:348-355. PDF
  110. Raviv, S., Parnes, S., Segall, C., Davis, C., and Sagi, A. 2006. Complete sequence of Litopenaeus vannamei (Crustacea: Decapoda) vitellogenin cDNA and its expression in endocrinologically induced sub-adult females. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 145:39-50. PDF
  111. Shechter, A., Aflalo, E. D., Davis, C., and Sagi A. 2005, Expression of the reproductive female specific vitellogenin gene in endocrinologically induced male and intersex crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Biol. Reprod., 73, 72–79. PDF
  112. Khalaila, I., Peter-Katalinic, J., Tsang, C., Radcliffe, CM., Aflalo. D.E., Harvey, DJ., Dwek, RA., Rudd, PM. and Sagi, A. 2004. Structural characterization of the N-glycan moiety and site of glycosylation in vitellogenin from the decapod crustacean Cherax quadricarinatus.Glycobiol., 14(9):767-774. PDF
  113. Manor, R., Aflalo, D.E., Segall, C., Weill, S., Azulay, D., and Sagi, A. 2004. Androgenic gland implantation promotes growth and inhibits vitellogenesis in Cherax quadricarinatus females grown in individual compartments. Invert. Reprod. Devel., 45(2):151-159. PDF
  114. Parnes, S., Mills, E., Segall, C., Raviv, S., Davis, C., and Sagi, A. 2004. Reproductive readiness of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in fossil brackish water system. Aquaculture, 236:593-606. 
  115. Parnes, S., Khalaila, I., Hulata, G., and Sagi, A. 2003. Sex determination in crayfish: Are intersex Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda, Crustacea) genetically females? Genet. Res., Camb., 82:107-116. PDF
  116. Karplus, I., Khalaila, I., Sagi, A., and Barki A., 2003. The influence of androgenic gland implantation on the agonistic behavior of female crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) in interactions with males. Behaviour, 140:649-663. PDF
  117. Barki, A., Karplus, I., Khalaila, I., Manor, R., and Sagi, A., 2003. Male-like behavioral patterns and physiological alterations induced by androgenic gland implantation in female crayfish. J. Exp. Biol., 206:1791-1797. PDF
  118. Karplus, I., Sagi, A., Khalaila, I., and Barki, A., 2003. The soft red-patch of the Australian freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens): a review and prospects for future research. J. Zool. Lond., 259, 1-5. PDF
  119. Khalaila, I., Manor, R., Weil, S., Granot, Y., Keller, R., and Sagi, A., 2002. The eyestalk-androgenic gland-testis endocrine axis in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 127(2):147-156. PDF
  120. Manor, R., Segev, R., Pimenta-Leibovitz, M., and Sagi, A., 2002. Intensification of redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus culture: II. Growout in a separate cell system. Aquacult. Eng., 26:263-276. PDF
  121. Parnes, S., and Sagi, A., 2002. Intensification of redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus culture: I. Hatching and nursery system.Aquacult. Eng., 26:251-262. PDF
  122. Abdu, U., Davis, C., Khalaila, I., and Sagi, A., 2002. The vitellogenin cDNA of Cherax quadricarinatus encodes a lipoprotein with calcium binding ability, and its expression is induced following the removal of the androgenic gland in a sexually plastic system.Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 127:263-272. PDF
  123. Sagi, A., Manor, R., Segall, C., Davis, C., and Khalaila, I., 2002. On intersexuality in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus: an inducible sexual plasticity model. Invert. Reprod. Devel., 41:27-33. PDF
  124. Sagi, A., Khalaila, A., Aflalo, E.D., Peter-Katalinic, J., Abdu, U., and David, C. (2002). The vitellogenin gene in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus: expression and encoded proteins. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 42(6):1304.
  125. Sagi, A., and Khalaila, I., 2001. The crustacean androgen: a hormone in an isopod and androgenic activity in decapods. Am. Zool., 41:477-484. PDF
  126. Abdu, U., Yehezkel G., Weil, S., Ziv, T., and Sagi, A., 2001. Is the unique negatively charged polypeptide of crayfish yolk HDL a component of crustacean vitellin?J. Exp. Zool., 290:218-226. PDF
  127. Abdu, U., Barki, A., Karplus, I., Barel, S., Takac, P., Yehezkel, G., Laufer, H., and Sagi, A., 2001. Physiological effects of methyl farnesoate and pyriproxyfen on wintering female crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Aquaculture, 202(1-2) 163-175. PDF
  128. Khalaila, I., Katz, T., Abdu, U., Yehezkel G., and Sagi A., 2001. Effects of implantation of hypertrophied androgenic glands on sexual characters and physiology of the reproductive system in the female red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus.Gen Comp. Endocrinol., 121:242-249. PDF
  129. Yehezkel, G., Chayoth, R., Abdu, U., Khalaila, I., and Sagi, A., 2000. High-density lipoprotein associated with secondary vitellogenesis in the hemolymph of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Comp Biochem. Physiol., B 127:411-421. PDF
  130. Soroka, Y., Sagi, A., Khalaila, I., Abdu, U., and Milner Y., 2000. Changes in protein kinase C during vitellogenesis in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus – possible activation by methyl farnesoate. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 118:200-208. 
  131. Abdu, U., Yehezkel, G., and Sagi, A., 2000. Oocyte development and polypeptide dynamics during ovarian maturation in the red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Invert. Reprod. Devel. 37:75-83. PDF
  132. Soroka, Y., Milner Y., and Sagi, A., 2000. The hepatopancreas as a site of yolk protein synthesis in the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Invert. Reprod. Devel., 37:61-68. PDF
  133. Sagi, A., Khalaila, I., Abdu, U., Shoukrun, R., and Weil, S., 1999. A newly established ELISA showing the effect of the androgenic gland on secondary vitellogenic specific protein in the hemolymph of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 115:37-45. PDF
  134. Khalaila, I., Weil, S., and Sagi, A., 1999. Endocrine balance between male and female components of the reproductive system in intersex Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae). J. Exp. Zool., 283:286-294. PDF
  135. Karplus, I., Zoran, M., Milstein, A., Harpaz, S., Eran, Y., Joseph, D., and Sagi, A., 1998. Culture of the Australian red-claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) in Israel III. Survival in earthen ponds under ambient winter temperatures. Aquaculture, 166(3-4):259-267. PDF
  136. Silkovsky, J., Chayoth, R., and Sagi, A., 1998.  A comparative study on the effect of prostaglandin E2  on cAMP levels in the gonads of the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: and the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatusJ. Crust. Biol., 18(4):643-649. PDF
  137. Abdu, U., Takac, P., Laufer, H, and Sagi A., 1998. Effect of methyl farnesoate on late larval development and metamorphosis in the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Decapoda, Palaemonidae): A juvenoid-like effect? Biol. Bull., 195(2):112-119. PDF
  138. Abdu, U., Takac, P., Yehezkel, G., Chayoth R., and Sagi A., 1998. Administration of methyl farnesoate through the Artemia vector, and its effect on Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae. Israeli J. Aquacult., 50:73-81. PDF
  139. Sagi, A., Milstein A., Eran, Y., Joseph, D., Khalaila, I., Abdu, U., Harpaz, S., and Karplus, I., 1998.  Culture of the Australian red-claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) in israel. II. Second growout season of overwintered populations. Israeli J. Aquacult., 49(4):222-229 PDF
  140. Sagi, A., Shoukrun, R., Levy, T., Barki, I., Hulata, G., and Karplus, I., 1997.  Reproduction and molt in previously spawned and first-time spawning red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus females following eyestalk ablation during the winter reproductive-arrest period. Aquaculture, 156:101-111. PDF
  141. Sagi, A., Snir, E., and Khalaila, I., 1997. Sexual differentiation in decapod crustaceans: role of the androgenic gland. Invert. Reprod. Devel., 31:55-61. PDF
  142. Sagi, A., Shoukrun, R., Khalaila, I., and Rise, M., 1996. Gonad maturation, morphological and physiological changes during the first reproductive cycle of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus female. Invert. Reprod. Devel., 29: 235-242. PDF
  143. Sagi, A., Khalaila, I., Barki, I., Hulata, G., and Karplus, I., 1996. Intersex red claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens): functional males with pre-vitellogenic ovaries. Biol. Bull., 190: 16-23. PDF
  144. Sagi, A., Snir, E., and Zimmermann S., 1995. Effects of Androgenic gland ablation on somatic growth and sex reversal in Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) males. Rev. Soc. Brasil. Zoo., 24(2):300-309. PDF
  145. Sagi, A., Silkovsky, J., Fleisher-Berkovich, S., Danon, A., and Chayoth R., 1995. Prostaglandin E2  in pre-vitellogenic ovaries of the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: synthesis and effect on the level of cAMP. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 100:(3) 308-313. PDF
  146. Sagi, A., Rise, M., Khalaila, I., and Arad (Malis) S., 1995. Carotenoids and their derivatives in organs of the maturing female crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 112(2): 309-313. PDF
  147. Sagi, A., Soroka, Y., Snir, E., Chomsky, O., Calderon J., and Milner Y., 1995.  Ovarian protein synthesis in the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii:  Does ovarian vitellin synthesis exist? Invert. Reprod. Devel., 27 (1): 41-47. PDF
  148. Sagi, A., Ahl, J.S.B., Danaee H., and Laufer, H., 1994.  Methyl farnesoate levels in male spider crab exhibiting active reproductive behavior. Horm. Behave., 28:261-272. PDF
  149. Laufer, H., Sagi, A., and Ahl, J.S.B., 1994. Alternative mating strategies of the polymorphic males of Libinia emarginata appear to depend on methyl farnesoate. Invert. Reprod. Devel., 26:41-44. PDF
  150. Garcia, F., Calderon, J., Palacios, M., and Sagi, A., 1993. Identification de los estadios de maduracion ovarica en Penaeus vannameiAcui. Trop., 1:23-26.
  151. Betancourt, I., Calderon, J., and Sagi, A., 1993. Estadios de muda en hembras adultas Penaeus vannamei. Acui. Trop., 1:13-15. PDF
  152. Sagi, A., Homola, E., and Laufer, H., 1993. Distinct reproductive types of male spider crab Libinia emarginata differ in circulating and synthesizing methyl farnesoate. Biol. Bull., 185:168-173. PDF
  153. Laufer, H., Wainwright, G., Young, N.J., Sagi, A., Ahl J.S.B., and Rees, H.H., 1993. Ecdysteroids and juvenoids in two male morphotypes of Libinia emarginata. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol., 23:171-174. PDF
  154. Laufer, H., Sagi, A., Ahl, J.S.B., and Homola, E., 1992. Methyl farnesoate appears to be a crustacean reproductive hormone. Invert. Reprod. Devel., 22(1-3):17-20.
  155. Homola, E., Sagi, A., and Laufer, H., 1991. Relationship of claw form and exoskeleton condition to reproductive system size and methyl farnesoate in male spider crab, Libinia emarginata. Invert. Reprod. Devel., 20(3):219-225. PDF
  156. Ra’anan, Z., Sagi, A., Kuris, A., Hulata, G., Karplus, I., and Wax, Y. 1991. Growth, rank and maturation of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii analysis of marked prawns in an experimental population. Biol. Bull., 181:379-385. PDF
  157. Sagi, A., Homola, E., and Laufer, H., 1991. Methyl farnesoate in the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: In vitro synthesis by the mandibular organ and titer in the hemolymph. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 99B(4):879-882. PDF
  158. Sagi, A., Karp, L., Milner, Y., Cohen, D., Kuris, A.M. and E. Chang, 1991. Testicular thymidine incorporation in the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: molt cycle variation and ecdysteroid effect in vitro. J. Exp. Zool., 259(2):229-237. PDF
  159. Sagi, A. and D. Cohen, 1990. Growth, Maturation and Progeny of Sex-Reversed Macrobrachium rosenbergii males. World Aquacult., 21(4):87-90. PDF
  160. Sagi, A., Cohen, D. and Y. Milner, 1990. Effect of androgenic gland ablation on morphotypic differentiation and sexual characteristics of male freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 77:15-22. PDF
  161. Sagi, A. and Z. Ra’anan, 1988. Morphotypic differentiation of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii males: changes in the midgut glands and the reproductive system. J. Crust. Biol., 8:43-47. PDF
  162. Sagi, A., Milner, Y. and Cohen, D., 1988. Spermatogenesis and sperm storage in the testes of behaviourly distinctive male morphotypes of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Decapoda, Palaemonidae). Biol. Bull., 174:330-336.
  163. Hulata, G., Karplus, I., Wohlfarth, G.W., Halevy, A., Cohen, D., Sagi, A. and Z. Ra’anan, 1988. The production of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in monosex populations. II. Yield characteristics in polyculture ponds. Israeli J. Aquacult., 40(1):9-16.
  164. Cohen, D., Sagi, A., Ra’anan, Z. and G. Zohar, 1988. The production of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in monosex populations: III. Yield characteristics under intensive monoculture conditions in earthen ponds. Israeli J. Aquacult., 40(2):57-63.
  165. Kuris, M.A., Ra’anan, Z., Sagi, A. and D. Cohen, 1987. Morphotypic differentiation of male Malaysian giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. J. Crust. Biol., 7(2):219-237. PDF
  166. Sagi, A., Ra’anan, Z., Cohen, D. and Y. Wax, 1986. Production of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in monosex populations: yield characteristics under intensive monoculture conditions in cages. Aquaculture, 51:265-275. PDF
  167. Ra’anan, Z., Sagi, A. and D. Cohen, 1985. Production of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in intensive monoculture, Kalia – 1984. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 18 (2):20-24.
  168. Sagi, A. and Ra’anan, Z., 1985. Rapid identification of reproductive state and the receptive period of females in pond populations of Macrobrachium rosenbergii – a new technique. Aquaculture, 48:361-367. 
  169. Sagi, A., Cohen, D., Ra’anan, Z., Zohar, G., Hulata, G. and Karplus, E., 1987.  Production of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: The improvement in yields by production in monosex populations. Fisheries and Fishbreeding in Israel, 2(20):9-21. PDF
  170. Ra’anan, Z. and Sagi, A., 1985. Alternative mating strategies in male morphotypes of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man). Biol. Bull., 169:592-601. PDF

     Book chapters, Chapters in collective volumes, Conference proceedings and Reviews
  171. Roer, R., Shaked S.A., and Sagi, A. 2024. Biomineralization: Ion Transport and Control Processes. In: Saleuddin, S., Leys, S.P., Roer, R. and Wilkie, I. Frontiers in Invertebrate Physiology: A Collection of Reviews, Volume 2: Crustacea. Apple Academic Press, pp. 275-327.
  172. Levy, T., Aflalo, E. D. and Sagi, A. 2018.  Sex control in cultured decapod crustaceans. In: Wang, H. P., Piferrer, F. and Chen, S. (Eds) Sex Control in Aquaculture. Wiley-Blakwell, pp. 589-704.
  173. Bentov S, Abehsera S, Sagi A. 2017. The mineralized exoskeletons of crustaceans. In: Cohen E, Moussian B (eds) Extracellular Composite Matrices in Arthropods. Springer, New York, pp. 137-163. PDF 
  174. Savaya-Alkalay, A., and Sagi, A. 2016.  Biotechnology, Bio-control and Conservation: Potential approaches harnessing RNAi-based sex-differentiation manipulations in decapods. In: T. Kawai & N. Cumberlidge (Eds), A Global Overview of the Conservation of Freshwater Decapod Crustaceans. Springer, New York, pp. 323-338. PDF  
  175. Aflalo, E.D. and Sagi, A. Sustainable aquaculture biotechnology using temporal RNA interference in crustaceans: the case of the Insulin-like androgenic gland hormone and prawn monosex culture. In: Biotechnology. Volume 1. Animal Biotechnology. Govil, J.N. (Ed.), Studium Press LLC, USA, 2014.  pp. 319-332. PDF 
  176. Sagi, A., Manor, R. and Ventura, T. 2013. Gene silencing in Crustaceans: from basic research to biotechnologies. Genes, 4:620-645. PDF 
  177. Sagi, A. 2013. Monosex culture of prawns through androgenic gene silencing. INFOFISH International. 1/2013: 22-24. PDF 
  178. Ventura, T. and Sagi, A. 2012. The insulin-like androgenic gland hormone in crustaceans: from a single gene silencing to a wide array of sexual manipulation-based biotechnologies.Biotechnology Advances. PDF 
  179. Glazer, L., and Sagi, A. 2012.  On the involvement of proteins in the assembly of the crayfish gastrolith extracellular matrix. Invert. Reprod. Devel. 56(1): 57-65. PDF 
  180. Ventura T., Rosen O. and Sagi A. 2011. From the discovery of the crustacean androgenic gland to the insulin-like hormone in six decades.Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 173(3):381-388. Including cover art. PDF 
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