

Cátia A Carvalho Ulrike Bening Abu-Shach Asha Raju, Zlata Vershinin Dan Levy Mike Boxem Limor Broday. (2025) Sumo-mediated regulation of H3K4me3 reader SET-26 controls germline development in C. elegans. PLOS Biology, 6;23(1):e3002980


Sara Weirich, Gizem T. Ulu, Thyagarajan Chandrasekaran, Jana Kehl, Jasmin Schmid, Franziska Dorscht, Margarita Kublanovsky, Dan Levy, Albert Jeltsch. (2024). Distinct specificities of the HEMK2 protein methyltransferase in methylation of glutamine and lysine residues.  Protein Science, 33 (2), e4897.


Margarita Kublanovskey, Gizem T. Ulu, Sara Weirich, Nurit Levy, Michal Feldman, Albert Jeltsch and Dan Levy.  (2023). Methylation of the transcription factor E2F1 by SETD6 regulates SETD6 expression via a positive feedback mechanism. JBC, 299 (10), 105236.

Nitzan Maixner, Yulia Haim, Matthias Bluher, Vered Chalifa-Caspi, Isana Veksler-Lublinsky, Nataly Makarenkov, Uri Yoel, Nava Bashan, Idit F. Liberty, Ivan Kukeev, Oleg Dukhono, Dan Levy and Assaf Rudich,  (2023). Visceral Adipose tissue E2F1-miRNA206/210 pathway associates with Type 2 Diabetes in humans with Extreme Obesity. Cells, 11, 3046.


Lee Elisha, Tzofit Elbaz, Anand Chopra, Guy Shapira,  Mark T. Bedford, Christopher J. Fry, Noam Shomron, Kyle Biggar, Michal Feldman and Dan Levy. (2022). TWIST1 methylation by SETD6 selectively antagonizes LINC-PINT expression in glioma Nucleic Acids Research, gkac485.

Lee Elisha, Elina Abaev-Schneiderman, Ofir Cohn, Guy Shapira, Noam Shomron Michal Feldman and Dan Levy. (2022). Structure-function conservation between the methyltransferases SETD3 and SETD6. Biochimie, 200, 27-35.


Vershinin Z, Feldman M, Werner T, Weil LE, Kublanovsky M, Abaev-Schneiderman E, Sklarz M, Lam EYN, Alasad K, Picaud S, Rotblat B, McAdam RA, Chalifa-Caspi V, Bantscheff M, Champman T, Lewis HD, Filippakopuolos P, Dawson MA, Grandi P, Prinjha RK and Levy D. (2021) BRD4 methylation by the methyltransferase SETD6 regulates selective transcription to control mRNA translation. Science Advances, 7, eabf5374.
Zichri SB, Kolusheva S, Shames AI, Schneiderman EA, Poggio JL, Stein DE, Doubijensky E, Levy D, Orynbayeva Z, Jelinek R (2021) Mitochondria membrane transformations in colon and prostate cancer and their biological implications. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Biomembranes, 1863(1) 183471 


Vershinin Z, Feldman M and Levy D (2020). PAK4 methylation by the methyltransferase SETD6 attenuates cell adhesion. Scientific Reports. 13;10(1):17068.


Levy D (2019). Lysine methylation signaling of non-histone proteins in the nucleus. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Review, 76(15): 2873-2883.
Feldman M, Vershinin Z, Goliand I, Elia N and Levy D (2019). The methyltransferase SETD6 regulates mitotic progression through PLK1 methylation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 116(4):1235-1240.
Abayev-Schneiderman E, Admoni-Elisha L, and Levy D (2019). SETD3 is a positive regulator of DNA-damage induced apoptosis. Cell Death & Disease, 10:74.


Weil L, Shmidov Y, Kublanovsky R,  Feldman M, Bitton R and Levy D (2018) Oligomerization and Automethylation of the Human Methyltransferase SETD6.  Journal of Molecular Biology, 430, 4359-4368
Figure JMB

Marcel T,  Marilena L , Levy D  and Aurelio T (2018) Phenotypic characterization of SETD3 knockout Drosophila. PLOS One, Aug 1;13(8): e0201609

Kublanovsky M,  Aharoni A#  and Levy D# (2018) Enhanced PKMTs-substrates recognition through distal non active-site interactions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 501(4):1029-1033. # Equal Contribution and Co-corresponding authors.

Feldman M and Levy D#.  (2018) SETD6 Peptide inhibition of the SETD6 methyltransferase catalytic activity.  Oncotarget, 9(4): 4875-4885.


Martin-Morales L, Feldman M, Vershinin Z, Garre P, Caldes T# and Levy D#.  (2017) SETD6 dominant negative mutation in Familial Colorectal Cancer Type X  Human Molecular Genetics, 26(22):4481-4493 # Equal Contribution and Co-corresponding authors.


Cohn O, Feldman M, Weil L, Kublanovsky R and Levy D. (2016) Chromatin associated SETD3 negatively regulates VEGF expression. Scientific Reports15(6):37115.

Od-Cohen D, Duchin S, Feldman M, Zarivach R, Aharoni A# and Levy D#. (2016) Engineering of methylation state specific 3xMBT domain using ELISA screening. PLOS One,  11(4):e0154207. # Equal Contribution and Co-corresponding authors.

Vershinin Z, Feldman M, Chen A and Levy D. (2016) PAK4 methylation by SETD6 promotes the activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291;6786-6795.

Cohn O, Chen A, Feldman M and Levy D. (2016)  Proteomic analysis of SETD6 interacting proteins. Data in Brief, 6; 799-802.

Chen A, Feldman M, Vershinin Z and Levy D. (2016) SETD6 is a negative regulator of oxidative stress response. BBA- Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1859:420-427.


Duchin S, Vershinin Z, Levy D# and Aharoni A#. (2015) A one step continuous kinetic assay for protein and DNA methyltransferase enzymatic activities. Epigenetics & Chromatin, 8:56. # Equal Contribution and Co-corresponding authors.


Price JV, Tangsombatvisit S, Xu G, Yu J,  Levy D, Baechler EC, Gozani O, Varma M, Utz PJ and Liu CL.  (2012) On silico” peptide microarrays for high resolution mapping of antibody epitopes and diverse protein-protein interactions. Nature Medicine, 18: 1434-1440.


Levy D#*, Liu CL*, Yang Z, Newman AM, Alizadeh AA, Utz PJ# and Gozani O#. (2011) A proteomic approach for the identification of novel lysine methyltransferase substrates. Epigenetics & Chromatin, Oct 24; 4(1):19 #Correspondence authors, *Equal contribution.

Chang Y, Levy D, Horton JR, Peng J, Zhang X, Gozani O and Cheng X. (2011) Structural basis of SETD6-mediated regulation of the NF-kB network via methyl-lysine signaling. Nucleic Acids Res, Aug; 39(15): 6380-9.

Levy D, Kuo AJ, Chang Y, Schaefer U, Kitson U, Cheung P, Espejo A, Zee BM, Liu CL, Tangsombatvisit S, Tennen RI, Kuo AY, Tanjing S, Cheung C, Chua KF, Utz PJ, Shi X, Prinjha RK, Lee K, Garcia BA, Bedford MT, Tarakhovsky A, Cheng X and Gozani O. (2011) SETD6 lysine methylation of RelA couples GLP activity at chromatin to tonic repression of NF-kB signaling. Nature Immunology,  12(1):29-36.


Levy D and Gozani O. (2010) Decoding chromatin goes high tech. Cell, 17; 142(6):844-6.


Levy D, Reuven N and Shaul Y. (2008) A regulatory circuit controlling Itch mediated p73 degradation by Runx. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283(41):27462-8.

Levy D, Adamovich Y, Reuven N and Shaul Y. (2008) Yap1 phosphorylation by c-Abl is a critical step in selective activation of pro-apoptotic genes in response to DNA damage. Molecular Cell,  29(3):350-61.


Levy D, Adamovich Y, Reuven N and Shaul Y. (2007) The Yes-Associated Protein 1 (Yap1) Stabilizes p73 by Preventing Itch-Mediated Ubiquitination of p73. Cell Death and Differentiation, 14(4):743-51.