Stav’s fun time in Denmark

Hi, I’m Stav Eyal, a Master student in the lab. I study microbial interactions within digestive tract microbiomes, with an emphasis on methanogenic-bacterial interactions in the rumen environment. The METHAGENE COST Action STSM was a means for me to acquire cultivation techniques used by Dr. Samantha Noel for the study of the rumen co-inhabitant methanogens and bacteria. This is my story about the three weeks’ STSM in Aarhus University, Foulum, Denmark, 

­­In my first week at Foulum, I learned methods for the cultivation and enrichment of the Rumen Cluster C (RCC) group of methanogens from Samantha. The cultivations where carried out under anaerobic conditions, using Samantha’s modification for Rumen Media (RM) and different supplements of rumen fluid based mixes. At the second and third weeks we made the two rumen fluid based mixes from scratch together with their vitamin concentrate supplements. We collected fresh rumen fluid for the mixes, which underwent a full clarifying process and supplementation. Furthermore, I measured the methane production of the revived cultures to estimate their growth and the supplements’ efficacy in the cultivations. The revived cultures were shipped to Israel for me to carry on the study of interactions between their members.


I’m thankful for the fruitful collaboration with Samantha, as the STSM was very successful and allowed me to acquired new tools for the road ahead in my research. I’m very excited to go down that road which will hopefully lead me to deeper insights regarding the unique interactions within the rumen environment and their functionality. Many thanks to the METHAGENE COST Action that have enabled this STSM happen.


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