The Return of Ancient Gut Bacteria: A Journey Through Time and Digestion
Picture this, thousands of years ago, humans thrived on diets rich in fiber, packed with tough plant materials like cellulose. Back then, our guts were

Microbial Diplomacy Unveiled: How Plasmid Coded Defense Systems Forge Peace in Our Guts
Our recent publication in Nature Microbiology presents findings elucidating the complex dynamics of gut microbial communities, with a focus on the role of plasmids in

Sabrina’s summer internship at the Mizrahi Lab
Shalom! My name is Sabrina Liu, and I am a rising junior from MIT interning at the Mizrahi lab this summer through the MISTI Israel

Let the Idos begin… Not an undergrad anymore
Hello! My name is Ido, and I’ve been a member of the Mizrahi lab for the past two years. During my undergraduate degree, my involvement

Itzik talks in Hebrew about the rumen microbiome and microbial ecology in “MedabriMada” a leading popular science podcast
Itzik is talking about the rumen microbiome and microbial ecology in Hebrew with Shimon and Yomiran in ”Medabrimmada” – Talking about science – a wonderful

Engineering cell consortia to eating plant fibers: Tome IV By Sarah Morais
We have just published the 4th paper in our sequel story on Lactobacillus plantarum metabolic engineering! We have termed it “Rapid adaptation for fiber
The rumen microbiome has a long term “memory” of early life events that could be used to manipulate and predict its assembly. By Ori furman
This story begins at a dairy science convention in Jerusalem. When I (Ori Furman) was about to graduate from my Master’s degree, in 2013. I was
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you get.- My time with the Mizrahi group during Corona pandemic
Hey there, my name is Johanna, 22 years old, and I am from Germany. I visited Israel and the MizrahiLab in March 2020 for 6

Hello and Shalom y’all! Come check out our amazing internship experience at the Mizrahi Lab
Greetings from sunny Be’er Shevah. My name is Sam and I am a rising senior studying microbiology at the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

Our collaborative research on marine iguanas in the Galapagos
Global warming increases the strength and frequency El Niño events, affecting marine ecosystems along the equatorial pacific region. One of the best-documented examples of the
My first steps in the Mizrahi Lab- by Inbal, A first Year Master student
So how is it like to be a first-year master student and taking baby steps towards becoming a researcher at the Mizrahi lab? From the
Insights Into The Culturomics Of The Rumen Microbiome
Have you ever wondered how do we know who are the microbes in environmental samples? Understanding microbial life requires us to study their functionality and
Anaerobic microbiology and pumpkin patches- my adventures in Wisconsin
By Tamar Zehavi Being a part of the field of anaerobic microbiology, it’s always better to learn from the best. My story begins with an
Changing ecosystems in cow stomachs
A recent study of ours has been chosen as editors’ choice of the Science journal, Aug 2017 (http://science.sciencemag.org/content/357/6350/468.3). Cattle are able to metabolize otherwise
The link between genetics and microbial composition
Our recently published study examines the connection between specific heritable microbes and the efficiency of ruminants at producing energy from their feed. Ruminants host a unique and
Rending waste valuable: a 6 million dollar project
by Sarah Morais WASTE2FUELS aims to develop next generation biofuel technologies capable of converting agrofood waste (AFW) streams into high quality biobutanol. This European Union
Project Student, how do we see you…
The Ultimate Project Student The Mizrahi lab already has three full-functioning (and quite pricey) robots that can do almost anything (they can’t make coffee
To assemble or not to assemble this is an important question
Hey, I’m Tamar. I completed my Master’s degree and continued to a Ph.D. while focusing on community assembly. How communities come to be? It is
Of Microbes and Men, by Alvah Zorea
Despite the seemingly limitless knowledge mankind possesses nowadays, it is surprising how relatively little we know about the estimated 100 trillion bacterial cells that reside
The circularity of David’s life
I’m David, in my second year of postdoc in the lab, and my problem are plasmids. To tell you how I got there I need
Goor’s adventures in the milk land
Hi, I’m Goor, PhD candidate and a proud member of the Microbial Ecogenomics group at BGU, under the supervision of Professor Itzik Mizrahi. My research
Fotini’s underwater microbiome
This month I am celebrating three years as a postdoctoral fellow in the Microbial Ecogenomics Group (Mizrahi Lab)! I am a fish physiologist by training,
Stav’s fun time in Denmark
Hi, I’m Stav Eyal, a Master student in the lab. I study microbial interactions within digestive tract microbiomes, with an emphasis on methanogenic-bacterial interactions in
Hi, we are the Mizrahi lab at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Hi, we are the Mizrahi lab at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The usual questions from people outside the group – or even outside science,