News and Web Publications
On the origin of bar codes Nature_2009
Professor Dan Mishmar lecture at the Royal Society 2012 -Natural selection shapes mitochondrial genetic variation within cells, populations and species.
Mitochondrial DNA mutations ; Mechanisms of disease and evolution 2013
published in International Innovation, published by Research Media, is the leading global dissemination resource for the wider scientific, technology and research communities, dedicated to disseminating the latest science, research and technological innovations on a global level. More information and a complimentary subscription offer to the publication can be found at:
Why some parents suddenly refuse to vaccinate their children – The jerusalem post 2015
Did sexual reproduction evolve to keep up with mitochondrial mutation?
Energy Metabolism Genes Expressed Differently in Africans, non-Africans- Haaretz 2016
Genetics, Mitochondria and what’s in between – Da-Mada 2020
Correct’ Communication: an essential for cellular and human function, 2021
COVID-19 – The Times of Israel
The second podcast of the Israeli Society of Genetics
The third podcast of the Israeli Society of Genetics (Spotify). Click here for other apps – link
bgtv – link