
Prof. Dan Mishmar

Status : Lab Head (Professor)

Email : dmishmar@bgu.ac.il 

Department of Life Sciences 

Building 40, room 009 

Ben-Gurion University  

Beer Sheva,84105 


Tel: +972-8-6461355+972-8-6461355, 6477917 

Fax: +972-8-6461356‎

Present graduate Students and postdoctoral fellows

Dadon Sara

Status : Technical and teaching support (M.Med.Sc)

Email : sarahd@bgu.ac.il

Hadar Medini

Status : PhD candidate

Email : medinih@post.bgu.ac.il

Current project:

Studying the mtDNA expression in single cells 

Li Horovitz

Status : M.Sc candidate

Email : liho@post.bgu.ac.il

Current project: Studying the impact of transcription factor c-Jun on mitochondrial gene expression


Noam Shtoltz

Status : PhD candidate

Email : shtolz@post.bgu.ac.il

Current project: 

Studying mtDNA variation throughout metazoan evolution

Gavriel Minor

Status :  PhD candidate

Email : minor@post.bgu.ac.il

Current project: Investigating C/EBPB as a novel candidate regulator of mitochondrial and nuclear gene expression


Yuval Caruchero

Status : M.Sc candidate

Email : carucher@post.bgu.ac.il

Current project: Exploring changes in the expression of mitochondrial and nuclear-encoded OXPHOS genes as a result of hypoxia throughout metazoan evolution

Undergrad students

Idan Pery

Status : B.Sc. candidate

Email : peryida@post.bgu.ac.il



(Graduation year)

Where are they now?

Mrs. Sarit Suissa (Zaguri)

MSc (2007)

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

Ms Yael Garbian

MSc (2009)

PhD student, Hebrew University

Dr. Jeanette Feder PhD

PhD (2010)

Project Manager at Toldot Genetics

Dr. Shirly Amar
[Joint supervision with Prof. Galila Agam, BGU; Eshkol scholarship, faculty prize for excellent PhD students]

PhD (2011)

The Genetic Institute, Soroka Medical center

Ms Mor Buchshtav

MSc (2010)

Regulatory project manager at ConTIPI Ltd

Ms Yasmin Toiw

MSc (2010)

PhD student, Technion

Ms Naama Shani

MSc (2011)

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

Dr. Moran Gershoni
[Hanegev scholarship for excellent PhD students; Ori foundation scholarship for excellence in mitochondrial research]

PhD (2012)

PI, Agriculture Research Organization – Volcani Institute

Dr. Ilia Zhidkov
(joint supervision with Dr. Eitan Rubin, Faculty of health sciences, BGU) [Center for Complexity Science scholarship for excellent PhD students]

PhD (2012)

EvoGene LTD

Dr. Gal Avital

MSc (2012)


Dr. Michal Silber

Basic Science studies for MD interns

Meir Hospital, Kfar Sava.

Dr. Noa-Sophie Kohler

Postdoctoral fellow [Jacque Loeb Center for the Philosophy of Science fellowship]

Research associate, Jacque Loeb Center for the Philosophy of Science fellowship

Ms Oshrat Or

MSc (2015)


Dr. Jami Milam

PhD – postdoctoral (2015) 


Dr. Dan Bar-Yaacov

(joint supervision with Dr. Amos Bouskila, BGU)

PhD (2016) 

PI, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics

Dr. Amit Blumberg

PhD (2017)

Postdoctoral fellow, Shragi Schwartz Weizman

Dr. Liron Levin

PhD (2017)

Bioinformatics Core Facility, BGU

Mrs. Nicol Poznianski

MSc (2018)

PhD student, BGU

Dr. shani Marom

PhD (2018)

Research Team head, Microbiome R&D Department Scientist at Merck Life Science

Dr. Gilad Barshad

PhD (2019)

PI, Department of biology, Technion

Ms. Shir Zaccai

MSc (2019)

PHD student, BGU

Mrs. Rotem Levin

MSc (2019)

Fraud Analyst, Forter

Dr. Tal Cohen

PhD (2020)

Bioinformatics scientist, Applied Genomics

Ms. Shani Levi

MSc (2021)

 Research Associate, Kadimastem Ltd

Ms. Hodaya Turgeman

MSc (2021)

Research Associate, Anima Biotech

Shirly Gruman

BSc, project student (2020)

MD-PhD candidate, shoshy altuvia, HUJI

Roni Hahn

MSc (2021)

PhD candidate, Karen Avraham TAU

Amit Zirman

MSc (2021)

PhD candidate, Volcani Institute

Omer Papier

MSc (2023)

PhD candidate, TAU

Prof. Dan Mishmar  E-mail: dmishmar@bgu.ac.il