New paper on how non-native ungulates affect pollination-seed dispersal multilayer networks is on bioRxiv!

There is limited understanding of how the disruption of keystone interactions, which are known to be important in the relationship between structure and stability, impacts multitrophic networks. In this study, we used the example of the Patagonian hummingbird-mistletoe-marsupial keystone interaction and its disruption by an invasive ungulate species to address this gap. Our model system and multilayer network analysis allow us to examine the broader consequences of disturbances, such as invasive species, on the structure and stability of multitrophic networks. Take a look here. 



Shai hosted a plasmid biology workshop

Students and researchers from around Israel were invited to participate in a workshop about plasmid biology. The workshop was organized by Shai and Prof. Itzik Mizrahi, with Prof. Alvaro San Millan as a guest teacher. The workshop featured insightful talks and inspiring discussions for all participants, while connecting researchers from a range of backgrounds and knowledge bases. Participants developed research ideas on topics at the forefront of plasmid biology after identifying gaps in knowledge.