Selected publication

  1. Melnikov N, Halbi G, Nachmias D, Zerbib E, Gueta N, Upcher A, Zalk R, Sachse C, Bernheim-Groswasser A, Elia N. The Asgard archaeal ESCRT-III system forms helical filaments and remodels eukaryotic-like membranes.  EMBO J. (2025) 
  2. Dvilansky I, Altaras Y, Kamenetsky N, Nachmias D, Elia N. The human AAA-ATPase VPS4A isoform and its co-factor VTA1 have a unique function in regulating mammalian cytokinesis abscission. PLoS Biol. (2024) Apr 30;22(4).
  3. Moraïs S, Mazor M, Tovar-Herrera O, Zehavi T, Zorea A, Ifrach M, Bogumil D, Brandis A, Walter J, Elia N, Gur E, Mizrahi I (2024) Plasmid-encoded toxin defence mediates mutualistic microbial interactions. Nat Microbiol. Jan;9(1).
  4. Wu F, Muskat NH, Dvilansky I, Koren O, Shahar A, Gazit R, Elia N, Arbely E. (2023) Acetylation-dependent coupling between G6PD activity and apoptotic signaling. Nat Commun. Oct 5;14(1)  
  5. Nachmias D, Melnikov N, Zorea A, Sharon M, Yemini R, De-picchoto Y, Tsirkas I, Aharoni A, Frohn B, Schwille P, Zarivach R, Mizrahi I, Elia N (2022) Asgard ESCRT-III and VPS4 reveal conserved chromatin binding properties of the ESCRT machinery ISME journal. Oct 17(1) .
  6. Mytlis A, Kumar V, Qiu T, Deis R, Hart N, Levy K, Masek M, Shawahny A, Ahmad A, Eitan H, Nather F, Adar-Levor S, Birnbaum RY, Elia N, Bachmann-Gagescu R, Roy S, Elkouby YM. (2022) Control of meiotic chromosomal bouquet and germ cell morphogenesis by the zygotene cilium. Science. Jun 17;376(6599)
  7. Harel S, Altaras Y, Nachmias D, Rotem-Dai N, Dvilansky I, Elia N*, Rousso I*. (2022) Analysis of individual HIV-1 budding event using fast AFM reveals a multiplexed role for VPS4. Biophys J. Aug 30:S0006-3495(22)00695-6.
  8. Avci B, Brandt J, Nachnias D, Elia N, Albertsen M, Ettema TJG, Schramm A, Kjeidsen KU (2022) Spatial separation of ribosomes and DNA in Asgard archaeal cells. ISME journal Feb;16(2):606-610
  9. Adar-Levor S, Nachmias D, Gal-Oz ST, Jahn YM, Peyrieras N, Zaritsky A, Birnbaum RY, Elia N. (2021) Cytokinetic abscission is part of the midblastula transition is early zebrafish embryogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(15)
  10. Elia N. (2021) Using unnatural amino acids to selectively label proteins for cellular imaging: a cell biologist viewpoint. FEBS J. 288(4):1107.
  11. König A, Sorkin R, Alon, Nachmias D, Dhara, Brand G, Yifrach O, Arbely E, Roichman Y, Elia N. (2020) Live cell single molecule tracking and localization microscopy of bioorthogonally labeled plasma membrane proteins. Nanoscale. 12(5):3236.
  12. Segal I, Nachmias D, Konig A, Alon A, Arbely E, Elia N. (2020) A straightforward approach for bioorthogonal labeling of proteins and organelles in live mammalian cells, using a short peptide tag. BMC Biol. 14(18):5
  13. Adar-Levor S, Goliand I, Elbaum M Elia N. (2019) Studying the spatial organization of ESCRTs in cytokinesis abscission the using high resolution imaging techniques SIM and cryo-SXT. Methods Mol Biol. 1998:129-148
  14. Feldman M, Vershinin Z, Goliand I, Elia N, Levy D. (2019) The methyltransferase SETD6 regulates Mitotic progression through PLK1 methylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 22;116(4):1235
  15.  Aloush N, Schvartz T, König AI, Cohen S, Brozgol E, Tam B, Nachmias, Ben-David O, Garini Y, Elia N, Arbely E. (2018) Live Cell Imaging of Bioorthogonally Labelled Proteins Generated With a Single Pyrrolysine tRNA Gene. Sci Rep. 28;8(1):14527. https://p 
  16. Dovrat D, Dahan D, Sherman S, Tsirkas I, Elia N, Aharoni A. (2018) A live-cell imaging approach for measuring DNA replication rates. Cell Rep 24(1):252.                                                               
  17. Goliand I, Adar S, Segal I, Nachmias D, Dadosh T, Elia N. (2018) ­­­­­­
    Resolving ESCRT-III spirals at the intercellular bridge of dividing cells using 3D STORM imaging. Cell Rep 24(7):1756.
  18. Ott C, Nachmias D, Adar S, Jarnik M, Sherman S, Birnbaum RY, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Elia N. (2018)
    VPS4 is a dynamic component of the centrosome that regulates centrosome localization of γ-tubulin, centriolar satellite stability and ciliogenesis. Sci Rep. 8(1):3353.
  19. Tomer Schvartz, Noa Aloush, Inna Goliand, Dikla Nachmias, Eyal Arbely, Natalie Elia (2017)
    Direct fluorescent-dye labeling of α-tubulin in mammalian cells for live cell and super resolution imaging. Mol Biol Cell. 2017 28(21):274                                                                                                                     
  20. Gershony O, Sherman S, Adar S, Segal I,Nachmias D, Goliand I, Elia (2017)
    Measuring abscission spatiotemporal dynamics using quantitative high-resolution microscopy. Methods Cell Biol. 137:205.
  21. Sherman S, Kirchenbuechler D, Nachmias D, Tamir A, Werner S, Elbaum M, Elia N. (2016)
    Resolving new ultrastructural features of cytokinetic abscission with soft-X-ray cryo-tomography. Sci Rep. 10;6:27629.
  22. Sherman S, Nachmias D, Elia N. (2015)
    A simple, straightforward correlative live-cell-imaging-structured-illumination-microscopy approach for studying organelle dynamics. Microsc Res Tech. 78(9):777-83. Selected for cover
  23. Goliand I, Nachmias D, Gershony O, Elia N. (2014)
    Inhibition of ESCRT-II-CHMP6 interactions impedes cytokinetic abscission and leads to cell death. Mol Biol Cell. 2014 Nov 15;25(23):3740-8.
  24. Gershony O, Pe’er T, Noach-Hirsh M, Elia N, Tzur A. (2014)
    Cytokinetic abscission is an acute G1 event. Cell Cycle. 2014 Nov 1;13(21):3436-41.
  25. Elia N, Ott C, Lippincott-Schwartz J. (2013)
    Incisive imaging and computation for cellular mysteries: lessons from abscission. 2013 Dec 5;155(6):1220-31.
  26. Fridman K, Mader A, Zwerger M, Elia N, Medalia O. (2012)
    Advances in tomography: probing the molecular architecture of cells. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2012 Nov;13(11):736-42.
  27. Elia N, Fabrikant G, Kozlov M, Lippincott-Schwartz J. (2012)
    Computational Model of Cytokinetic Abscission Driven by ESCRT-III Polymerization and Remodeling. Biophys J. 2012 Jul 3;103(1):167.  
  28. Rambold A, Kostelecky B, Elia N, Lippincott-Schwartz J. (2011)
    Tubular network formation protects mitochondria from autophagosomal degradation during nutrient starvation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(25):10190-5.
  29. Elia N, Sougrat R, Spurlin TA, Hurley JH, Lippincott-Schwartz J. (2011)
    Dynamics of endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery during cytokinesis and its role in abscission. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(12):4846-51. Ranked “must read” in Faculty of 1000.
  30. Elia N, Lippincott-Schwartz J. (2009)
    Culturing MDCK cells in three dimensions for analyzing intracellular dynamics. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. Chapter 4:Unit 4.22.
  31. Lee HH, Elia N, Ghirlando R, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Hurley JH. (2008)
    Midbody targeting of the ESCRT machinery by a noncanonical coiled coil in CEP55. Science. 24;322(5901):576-80.