Personal Details:
Married +3
I was trained as biochemist at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem under the supervision of one of the greatest biochemists in Israel, the late prof. Zvi Selinger .
After practicing biochemistry for over 6 years I have decided to shift gears and move to cell biology. Specifically, I was fascinated by the world of complexity that is revealed by live cell imaging techniques. I therefore relocated for post-doctoral training to the lab of Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, a world leader in cellular imaging . There, I fell in love with microscopy and with the potential of innovative microscopy techniques to quantitatively study protein organization and dynamics in cells.
Fascinated by the complexity in cells, I struggled with focusing on a specific biological question. This has all changed when Jim Hurley stepped into the lab and introduced me to ESCRTs – a family of proteins (pretty new at the time) that knows how to cut membranes but no one knows how. From this point on, it was pretty much like everybody’s. We collaborated, I got scooped, I finally published…
Upon starting my own lab at Ben Gurion University, I set myself a goal to address fundamental questions in biochemistry and structural biology inside living cells. This is not an easy task. It requires both finding a suitable question that will fit the spatiotemporal limitations of current microscopy techniques and advancing and tailoring microscopy techniques to provide the necessary information. However, there was not much I could do about it. I think like a biochemist and I like microscopes… So, this is how we got to where we are now .
When all this happened I also started my family. During my PhD, I got married and had my first kid, Maayan who just turned 19. In my post doc Gali was born. She is now 15 years old. Eran, (9) was born after coming back to Israel and settling in.