This is a collection of tools that will be useful for students in my lab – graduate students and undergraduates too. If others can use these – all are welcome!
Title of the talk: How to increase your creativity in scientific writing, while preventing writer’s block
Description: We will learn stages in a simple technique that enables us to write a thesis, a proposal or an article with continuity and enthusiasm. The use of the suggested stages will allow you to express your creativity, even if you were sure that creativity is not one of your strengths. With this technique you will be able to prevent one of the most frustrating feelings in the life of a scientist – writer’s block. The presentation is based on a workshop in which I participated as a graduate student in California. It revolutionized my writing of the thesis, and since then, many generations of my students have benefited from it. My former students tell me the technique keeps helping them loyally, ever since they were exposed to it, during all types of writing tasks they encounter in their professional life.
Written summary of the talk: “How to increase your creativity in scientific writing, while preventing writer’s block” for download
Title of the talk: Delivering an effective presentation
Description: One important part of academic life is the ability to share orally our research or ideas to others. We will start by watching a short sample seminar and I will ask you to note what seemed to you annoying or inefficient in the way it was presented. We will discuss the importance of delivering a presentation that is effective in almost any scientific setting. We will then analyze elements in the sample talk and present alternatives to each element. We will end with a few useful tips on issues such as timing and dealing with being nervous while you deliver your presentation.
Written summary of the talk: “Delivering an effective presentation” for download
Suggestions for the preparation of a poster (for conferences, Department Day, etc.)