Interview with Amos Bouskila about the work with horses and chameleons- Makor Rishon, by Yael (Freund) Avraham (In Hebrew)
Lecture to the public by Amos Bouskila on: “Sex and social life in wild asses and horses in the wild” through Olam Acher
Interview with Amos Bouskila at “Desert Knowledge Interface” portal about his connections with the desert (in Hebrew)
Lecture By Amos Bouskila in Galei Tzahal Radio on: Play in the Animal World (in Hebrew)
A Ynet article following an interview with Amos Bouskila on the risk of development that threatened the Halukim Ridge in 2009 (in Hebrew),7340,L-3700394,00.html
A lecture delivered by Amos Bouskila at the Regional Library of Ramat Negev on: “What have we learnt from studies of snakes through Game Theory?” (in Hebrew)