
Services provided by the MCRC:

At the Macromolecular Crystallography Research Centre, we offer a full range of crystallography services. The user will provide the center with a highly pure and monodisperse sample. The center then provides all additional components and tools needed to perform the experiment.

The services we offer are as follows:

1. High-throughtput (HT) vapour diffusion crystallization screening in hanging drop, sitting drop and microbatch set up for crystallization conditions. A variety of crystallization screens are available in the MCRC in order to facilitate the crystallisation process of new projects.The crystallization plates are being stored at 20C, 13C or 4C. Each user can follow after his own results through the RockMaker web server, which is a user friendly environment for experimets evaluation.

2. Optimization of promising crystallization conditions. Crystallisation conditions obtained after initial screening are further refined to obtain well-diffracting crystals, suitable for structural studies. This is done by fine modifications of the crystallization condition or by adding additional chemicals to the crystallization mixture.

3. Diffraction analysis for macromolecular crystals.

4. Data collection of quality crystals at the MCRC X-rays sources as well as at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France.

5. Data processing using common crystallographic softwares.

6. Structure determination of macromolecules.

Crystallization Screens available at the MCRC:

Screen Name Company Screen Formulation
Crystal Screen 1&2 Hampton Research Crystal Screen 1Crystal Screen 2
Index Hampton Research Index
Structure 1&2 Molecular Dimensions Ltd Structure 1Structure 2
ProPlex Molecular Dimensions Ltd ProPlex
JCSG Molecular Dimensions Ltd JCSG-plus
PEG/Ion 1&2 Hampton Research PEG/Ion 1PEG/Ion 2
PEGRx 1+2 Hampton Research PEGRx 1;PEGRx 2
Wizard I+II Emerald Biosystems Wizard I &II
Crystal Screen Lite Hampton Research Crystal Screen Lite
Crystal Screen Cryo Hampton Research Crystal Screen Cryo
Additive Screen Hampton Research Additive Screen
Solubility screen Home_Made Solubilty Screen