Group photos

September 2023: Farewell party from Michael and Nastya 
June 2022: Yael’s award of Summa cum Laude

June  2022: Itay’s farewell party

March 2022: Culinary tour in the Beer-Sheva market


August 2021: Michal has received her appreciation award from the Department of Life Sciences and  Faculty of Natural Sciences
June 2021: Biosensors workshop with the Shikler Lab
June 2021: Eden’s PhD Ceremony
December 2020: Eden’s and Ashok’s farewell party.
July 2020: Yonatan’s farewell party.
June 2019: Orr’s graduation ceremony.
June 2018: Alon’s graduation ceremony.
June 2018: Eden’s Class Valedictorian Speech.
June 2018: Orr’s Farewell Party.
August 2021: Michal has received her appreciation award from the Department of Life Sciences and  Faculty of Natural Sciences